Wednesday 5 March 2014

Yarn Bombing Textile Installation

As a group we were tasked to create a yarn bomb based on the artist we researched such as Sarah Applebaum and Miles Nieidinger. We discovered we wanted to create a linear and very abstract design, almost like a spider's web.

After doing loads of tight lines in the same space we slowly moved up the stairs, loosening up some of the string to create more of a drape effect, like Miles Nieidinger creates in his pieces. 
We added more coloured string, adding warmer colours to the piece,  with the green wool we also manged to knot and make the wool drape through all the straight linear lines and blended it very well, without making it look like we had loads of gaps around the straighter lines.  I think with the group's piece it's  more about the colour and the shock and chaos of what's in front of you. 


  1. Really good blog, up to date and easy to follow/ read. Images are of high quality and are spaced out nicely. The amount of writing is effective and makes you want to read it, but be careful of punctuation, and spelling. Overall, nice blog.

  2. I love that you have lots of pictures on your blog to support the text. Also they are really good quality and well taken. The layout of your text and pictures is done well because there isn't any off putting long paragraphs. Plus your work is lovely. Well done! :)
